At 34 weeks pregnant I began researching methods to turn babies, however this is quite late to be trying to turn a baby around. I'm not sure if any of the methods do work or not but I did give them a go without any success.
I went to see an acupuncturist who works a lot with pregnant women. He used a combination of acupuncture and moxibustion to try and turn baby. I swear during treatment I could feel Em trying to move, but I don't know if that was wishful thinking or not or perhaps she was just scratching her nose or something.
I also read the Spinning Babies website, which has suggestions on how to encourage babies to turn head down, such as the breech tilt. Unfortunately Em stayed put no matter what I tried and it got to a point where I had to make a decision:
- Attempt a breech birth (This would be the best option if it worked out , however 1 out of 20 babies die or are injured, which was too high odds for me - not to mention the fact that a breech birth is a lot harder than a normal birth).
- An obstetrician could attempt to forcibly turn her (but the success rate is extremely low, there is a chance of it ending in an emergency situation and the biggest possibility is that nothing will change at all except I'd be mighty sore and bruised).
- A scheduled c-section (a major operation after which I'd need to physically recover while taking on the demands of a new baby and there's a small chance she'd be injured or end up in a nursery for a few days under observation).