Sunday, March 7, 2010

Breech Baby.

During pregnancy babies tend to be in the breech position and turn head down towards the end of pregnancy. Unfortunately Em didn't read the manual and remained in the breech position for the duration of the pregnancy.  I think it might explain all the tremendous back and rib pain I experienced in the last few months of pregnancy, with her head being the biggest part of her body, stuck between my ribs and spine!

At 34 weeks pregnant I began researching methods to turn babies, however this is quite late to be trying to turn a baby around.  I'm not sure if any of the methods do work or not but I did give them a go without any success.

I went to see an acupuncturist who works a lot with pregnant women.  He used a combination of acupuncture and moxibustion to try and turn baby.  I swear during treatment I could feel Em trying to move, but I don't know if that was wishful thinking or not or perhaps she was just scratching her nose or something.

I also read the Spinning Babies website, which has suggestions on how to encourage babies to turn head down, such as the breech tilt.  Unfortunately Em stayed put no matter what I tried and it got to a point where I had to make a decision:
  1. Attempt a breech birth (This would be the best option if it worked out , however 1 out of 20 babies die or are injured, which was too high odds for me - not to mention the fact that a breech birth is a lot harder than a normal birth).
  2. An obstetrician could attempt to forcibly turn her (but the success rate is extremely low, there is a chance of it ending in an emergency situation and the biggest possibility is that nothing will change at all except I'd be mighty sore and bruised).
  3. A scheduled c-section (a major operation after which I'd need to physically recover while taking on the demands of a new baby and there's a small chance she'd be injured or end up in a nursery for a few days under observation).
Faced with the above options I chose to schedule a c-section.  I was so devastated because I knew the best outcome for the two of us was a normal, natural birth. I knew it would be a huge bonding experience between the two of us and something I was really hoping to experience.  Though a small part of me was also somewhat relived that I wouldn't have to face the pain and fear of child birth.